Saturday, January 26, 2013

Family Interaction and Boundaries

       It is often said that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”  Let’s take a cake for an example.  You wouldn’t want to get a bag of flour and eggs on your birthday – you would want a cake!  All of the ingredients alone are good, but together, they make something great.  This is like a family.  Alone, each member can be successful, but when they all work together, it make something that is indescribably special.   
       Another part of families that this touches on is how family members interact with each other, and the boundaries help determine this.  A child is typically more comfortable with one parent than the other, which throws off the boundaries a little.  However, parents and children should work on having a balance relationship between each member of the family.  The following cartoon shows how the boundaries between parents and children can be a little too unclear, which can result in the parents being too overprotective of their child.

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